The Dangers of UV Skin Damage (and How to Prevent It)

UV damage can permanently compromise the health of your skin.

Most of us love basking in the sun on a warm, pleasant summer day, but despite all the benefits it brings us, the sun can also be harmful. The sun emits a broad spectrum of radiation, largely in the form of visible light and invisible ultraviolent (UV) radiation.

If you aren’t careful, this UV radiation could seriously jeopardize your skin health—or even threaten your life.

How UV Radiation Damages Skin

UV radiation is electromagnetic radiation emitted not only by the sun, but also tanning beds, welding torches, and other man-made sources of light and heat. These waves of radiation contain high levels of energy, which vary based on the type of UV ray; for example, high-intensity UV rays, called ionizing radiation, are even more powerful, and named for their molecular effect.

With enough energy, UV radiation can “ionize” an atom or molecule by forcefully knocking away an electron. This changes the composition of the atom or molecule.

If UV radiation only altered one atom of your body, you’d never notice a difference, but as the damage begins to accumulate, you’ll see a series of negative consequences increasing in severity.

For example, damage to your cellular DNA can accelerate the aging of your skin, even in small doses and quantities. Over time, they can produce more wrinkles and cause the development of age spots.

With enough exposure, and the right type of rays, you can develop sunburns. This type of radiation damage can also lead to dry skin, loss of elasticity in skin, and more importantly, skin cancer.

Preventing UV Damage

The easiest way to avoid UV damage is to avoid direct exposure; stay indoors during peak sunlight hours and avoid tanning beds altogether. Otherwise, cover up and rely on shade to protect yourself, and apply sunscreen consistently if you’re going to be exposed to any amount of sunlight.

If you’ve already suffered UV damage to your skin, there are some ways you can improve your skin health. For example, you can try our CC Serum, which has the power to reduce age spots and wrinkles, restoring the health and youth of your skin.

How to Get Rid of Age Spots

Age spots may be unsightly, but there are some effective ways to diminish them.

Over time, you’ll likely develop age spots, whether you like it or note. Age spots, sometimes called liver spots or solar lentigo, affect more than 3 million people in the United States. They appear as small, flat tan to black spots on the skin.

They tend to be most common in people over the age of 50, but can appear in younger people—especially if they spend a lot of time in the sun. Unlike freckles, they don’t fade on their own. Fortunately, there are some strategies that can help you get rid of them.

Removing Age Spots

First, you should take measures to prevent getting additional age spots, and to prevent your existing age spots from getting any worse. Try to avoid sun exposure during peak hours, usually between 10 am and 2 pm, and apply sunscreen whenever you’re outside.

Aside from that, there are a few approaches you can try:

  • Prescription medications. Certain medications may reduce the appearance of age spots. For example, bleaching creams and retinoids can get rid of most mild- to moderate-level age spots. Steroids may also be recommended by your dermatologist. Either way, you may experience burning, dryness, or itching as a side effect.
  • CC Serum. Our signature CC Serum, with vitamin C and citrus stem cells, is designed to minimize the appearance of age spots, as well as fine lines and wrinkles. All you need to do is gently massage the formula into the area of your skin that’s most affected.
  • Freezing. If your age spots are severe, or if you’re eager to remove them permanently, you may be able to freeze them. Talk to your dermatologist, and they may recommend a chemical freezing agent to freeze your age spot off completely. Be aware that there’s a slight risk of scarring or discoloration with this method.
  • Makeup. Some people apply makeup on a daily basis to cover up their age spots, rather than reducing them.

Age spots are a natural sign of aging, but you can fight against them. Try using our CC Serum to stave off the worst effects.

7 Tips for Starting an Anti-Aging Routine

These strategies can help you reduce the effects of aging.

Aging takes its toll on your mind and your body. Over time, you could develop wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, crow’s feet, and other physical markers of your age. But rather than accepting these and dealing with them for the rest of your life, you can create a routine designed to keep your skin in the best possible condition—and reduce the appearance of these marks.

How to Start an Anti-Aging Routine

Everyone’s anti-aging routine will look a little different, based on their unique body, goals, and personal needs, but these tips can help you make the most of yours:

  • 1. Wash with a cleanser. Cleaning your face and skin is important, but harsh soaps can do more harm than good. Make sure you wash with a cream-based cleanser, and use cleaning products that apply vitamins and nutrients to your skin.
  • 2. Exfoliate gently at least once a week. Heavy or excessive exfoliation can harm your skin, but gentle, occasional exfoliation will clear your skin of dead cells and debris.
  • 3. Apply CC Serum. CC Serum is designed to decrease the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. It’s also perfect for restoring the elasticity of your skin, and improving your overall skin health. Apply it to your face, neck, and chest once per day.
  • 4. Moisturize regularly. Even basic moisturizers can keep your skin moist and in good health, especially if applied after a warm bath.
  • 5. Be careful with makeup. Apply makeup sparingly, and remove it gently. Harsh makeup removers can damage your skin.
  • 6. Avoid (and protect against) the sun. The sun’s UV radiation can accelerate aging, so limit your exposure with proper clothing and shade.
  • 7. Make use of the night. Before going to bed, apply a mask or an anti-wrinkle cream, and let it set in during the night.

Experiment to see which products and habits work best for your skin. Get started with a sample of our CC Serum, which can protect your skin from dozens of sources of damage and reduce the effects of aging.

6 Eyelash Care Mistakes Almost Everybody Makes

Healthy eyelashes require ongoing attention, but not everyone is willing to take these steps.

Your eyelashes frame your eyes, and can instantly make an impression on the people you meet—for better or worse. Most of us spend at least some time on our lashes, like applying mascara or using an eyelash curler, but for healthier, fuller eyelashes, you’ll need to step up your game.

The Eyelash Care Mistakes Everyone Makes

These mistakes are frighteningly common, and could be costing you the health or appearance of your eyelashes:

  • 1. They use mascara too frequently. Mascara is a quick way to make your eyelashes look prettier, but there’s a point where it starts to do more harm than good. Wearing mascara all day, every day can leave your eyelashes dry and brittle.
  • 2. They don’t remove makeup before bed. Leaving mascara on too long is even worse. It’s important to remove your makeup before bed, to reduce the risk of infection and ensure your eyelashes can breathe.
  • 3. They remove makeup too harshly. That said, removing makeup can also be problematic. If you use harsh products, or if you aggressively scrub your face, you could forcefully remove eyelashes or damage the skin around your eyes.
  • 4. They use cheap or chemically intense products. Cheap mascara and eyelash products are often full of harsh chemical ingredients, which can dry out your eyelashes or cause skin irritation. Expensive isn’t necessarily better, but price is often correlated with ingredient quality.
  • 5. They never comb or tend to their eyelashes. Combing your lashes periodically can keep them free of dead skin cells, and encourage healthier growth.
  • 6. They never use volumizing agents. Eyelash volumizer may sound like a fancier term for mascara, but it’s a different product with a different purpose. Volumizing serum moisturizes, conditions, and nurtures your eyelashes, keeping them healthier and looking fuller.

If you’re interested in giving your eyelashes the care and attention they deserve, try using our eyelash volumizing serum. Packed with natural ingredients like vitamin E and vegetable-based squalene, it can revolutionize your eyelash care routine.

The Perfect Nighttime Routine for Healthier Skin

Try using this nighttime routine for the healthiest skin you’ve had in years.

Too many people underestimate the importance of skin health. Healthy skin makes you look more attractive and feel better, but it also provides your skin with better protective benefits—and can help you fight the effects of aging.

There are many things you can do to improve the health of your skin, including staying hydrated throughout the day, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly—not to mention applying sunscreen to prevent damage from UV radiation. However, one of the best things you can do for your skin is follow a basic nighttime routine.

Clean Your Face

If you have time, you can take a bath or shower, but if you’re a morning bather, you can also just take a few minutes to clean your face. Try to use a moisturizing cleanser, rather than cheap, harsh soap. This step rids your face of extra dirt and debris, and can clear away some dead skin cells. It’s also important to prepare your face for the next steps.

Lightly Exfoliate

Next, you’ll want to use exfoliation to lightly brush away the remaining dead skin cells and debris of your face (and any other problem areas on your body). When done, be sure to rinse your face with warm water and dry it with a clean towel.

Apply a Night Cream

One of the best things you can do for your skin is applying a night cream. A good product, with essential oils like lavender and plenty of important vitamins, will penetrate your skin throughout the night, and work actively to moisturize and rejuvenate your skin. Try using it nightly, especially around your face and neck, for best effects.

Relax (and Get Plenty of Sleep)

Finally, take the time to relax, however you can. For some people, that means meditating. For others, it means playing soothing music. Get your routine in order, and tweak your environment to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep (if you can).

If you’re in search of a better night cream product, you’ve come to the right place. Try our Night Cream with Lavender—it’s packed with vitamins and nutrients, and includes Chinese peony flower for a youthful, dewy glow.

The 5 Best Ways to Keep Your Skin Hydrated

Your skin will look and feel healthier when it’s properly hydrated.

Hydrated skin is healthy skin. Your skin needs plenty of water and moisture to remain elastic, protect you from the elements, and look its best. But what are the best ways to keep your skin hydrated on a daily basis?

How to Keep Skin Hydrated

These strategies will keep your skin adequately hydrated:

  • 1. Drink lots of water. It’s the first tip because it’s the most important—you have to drink a lot of water. It’s almost impossible to drink too much water, so keep a glass of water by your side throughout the day, and make it a point to drink more.
  • 2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. It’s also a good idea to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Not only are they mostly water by volume, they’re also packed with vitamins and minerals that are good for your skin.
  • 3. Avoid harsh soaps. Bathing is obviously important, but harsh soaps and cleaners can dry out your skin, removing all the natural oils your body produces.
  • 4. Apply moisturizer. After bathing, apply moisturizer—especially to sensitive areas like your face and hands.
  • 5. Use a nightly face cream. Finally, apply a specially formulated night cream to your face before going to bed. Throughout the night, the moisturizing agents, vitamins, and other active ingredients can penetrate your skin, leaving it soft, hydrated, and refreshed.

Are You Dehydrated?

There are several ways you can tell if you’re not getting enough hydration for your skin. Your skin may have a cracking or dry appearance, you may notice more skin flakes and dead skill cells than usual, and your skin may lose some of its elasticity—in effect, it doesn’t “snap back” as quickly.

If you struggle with skin hydration or you just want to provide some extra care for your face and body, consider using our signature Night Cream with Lavender. Packed with important vitamins for skin health, moisturizer, Chinese peony flower, and of course, essential lavender oil, it has the power to completely rejuvenate your skin.

Can You Restore the Elasticity of Your Skin?

Skin loses elasticity naturally over time, but can you restore it?

One of the most obvious signs of aging is a loss of “elasticity” in your skin. When you’re young, you can pinch of a selection of skin on your face or body and watch it quickly snap back into place. But over time, you’ll experience elastosis—the effect that makes your skin look saggy, crinkled, and leathery. That’s because as we age, our body starts producing less elastin, which is necessary to rebuild and regenerate skin.

There are several things that can accelerate the aging and loss of elasticity of your skin, such as UV radiation from the sun, pollutants, and environmental toxins. You can slow the aging process by better protecting your skin.

But if you’ve already lost elasticity, is there a way to get it back?

How to Restore Skin Elasticity

There are a handful of methods that can help you restore your skin’s natural elasticity, at least partially:

  • Exercise. First, spend more time exercising. Research shows that among people aged 40 and older, daily exercise tend to have healthier skin, thicker dermis (outer) layers of skin, and more youthful-looking skin.
  • Stay hydrated. Skin elasticity is affected by your level of hydration. If you get plenty of water, your skin will naturally feel more elastic and look healthier.
  • Apply a night cream. It’s also wise to apply a night cream on a regular, preferably nightly basis. Try using a night cream with lavender oil, Chinese peony flower, and vitamins E, C, and B-complex vitamins.
  • Use tea bags. Green tea extracts, ginkgo biloba, and other compounds related to tea are shown to improve skin thickness and cell rejuvenation. You can either apply a green tea extract topically to your face, or make tea and use the leftover bags to rest on problematic areas—like your eyes.

If you’re interested in a night cream to help restore your skin’s natural elasticity, try our signature Night Cream with Lavender. It’s completely paraben free and cruelty free, and is designed for nightly use around your face and neck.

Your Mascara Is Destroying Your Lashes: Here’s What You Should Do About It

Mascara provides a short-term boost to your eyelashes, but is it doing more harm than good?

Most women use mascara as a convenient way to make their eyelashes appear thicker, fuller, and in some cases, longer. No matter what your personal style is, a bit of mascara can make your eyes stand out and look and feel more attractive.

In the short-term, it may work fine, but long-term, it may be damaging your lashes and skin.

How Mascara Harms Your Lashes

Mascara works by applying a coat of pigment to your eyelashes. Depending on the nature of the product, it may also apply additional effects, like waterproofing your lashes.

There are several issues that can arise under different circumstances, including:

  • Infection. Old mascara can result in an infection, harming both your lash follicles and your eyes.
  • Dry and brittle lashes. Over time, mascara can make your eyelashes dryer, and more brittle—especially if left on overnight.
  • Eyelash loss. Using mascara every day and leaving it on too long can make your eyelashes weaker, leading to lash loss.
  • Skin damage from removal. Aggressively removing mascara can lead to skin damage, dry skin, and signs of aging.

What to Do

Fortunately, there are some steps that can help you minimize the damage—and still use mascara when you want:

  • Wear mascara less frequently. The obvious option here is to wear mascara less frequently—like once or twice a week instead of every day.
  • Remove mascara gently and before going to bed. Always remove your mascara before going to bed for the night, and do it gently to prevent skin damage.
  • Buy better-quality mascara. Cheap mascara can contain problematic ingredients, like aluminum powder and propylene glycol. Make an investment by buying a better product.
  • Use an eyelash volumizer. Finally, use a natural eyelash volumizing serum to promote healthier, fuller lashes.

Our eyelash volumizer contains natural ingredients, including vitamin E, CoQ10 (an enzyme and antioxidant), a complex of amino acids, and squalene, which is derived from vegetables. Give it a try to combat the effects of excessive mascara use.

How to Get Fuller, Thicker Lashes

Full, thick eyelashes are the envy of women everywhere, but how can you get them?

Lustrous, thick eyelashes can make anyone look and feel more attractive. But how are you supposed to get them?

You may feel like you’re stuck with your eyelashes the way they are. To an extent, you’ll be limited on what you can achieve with your eyelashes by your genetics, but there are some strategies that can help you get fuller, thicker lashes.

Tricks for Fuller, Thicker Lashes

Try these tips for making your eyelashes thicker and fuller:

  • Massage your eyes. It may make you feel silly, but take the time to gently massage your eyelids on a regular basis. It’s not going to magically make your eyelashes grow longer, but it will stimulate blood flow and help you clear away dead skin cells.
  • Comb your lashes. Combing your lashes serves a few different purposes. For example, it clears away old lashes, promotes further lash growth, and at the same time, straightens your lashes so they look longer.
  • Use a volumizing serum. Eyelash volumizing serum combines several ingredients to help you grow longer, thicker, fuller eyelashes. You’ll apply it under your makeup, or as part of your nighttime ritual for overnight growth. Though ingredients vary from product to product, some of the most common active ingredients include vitamin E (for moisturization), Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 (an antioxidant), and amino acids to promote a “healthy” look.
  • Eat healthy. If you aren’t getting enough of the right nutrients, or if you’re dehydrated, your eyelashes could suffer. Strive for a balanced diet, and get plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Use a lash-boosting mascara. Mascara has the power to make anyone’s lashes look thicker, and lash-boosting varieties are specifically designed for the purpose. If applied correctly, it can make your eyelashes look thicker, longer, and even give them a gleam.

If you’re ready for fuller, more attractive eyelashes, try using our eyelash and brow volumizing serum. It’s packed with everything you need for fuller lashes, including vitamin E, CoQ10, and a signature amino acid complex for better eyelash health.

Why Basic Skincare Can Make You Look 10 Years Younger

A good skincare routine can make you look a decade younger.

Nobody likes getting old. But over time, aging affects all of us. Depending on your susceptibility to the effects of aging and the shape and structure of your body, you might experience crow’s feet, wrinkles, age spots, and other physical signs.

For the most part, these developments are unpreventable. There is no exercise regimen, supplement, or diet that can stop your body from getting older. But with a bit of time and attention to a regular skincare routine, you can improve both the look and feel of your skin—and make yourself look and feel younger in the process.

Skin and the Signs of Aging

Our organs, our muscles, our bones, and our minds are all aging, but it’s our skin that gets all the attention. Not only is our skin the most immediately obvious part of us, it’s also one of the most susceptible parts to changes in our daily routine. Accordingly, your habits can make or break the appearance of your skin, and thus, how old you look to outsiders.

The Ideal Skincare Routine

Fortunately, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on a skin treatment to look and feel younger. For most people, even a basic routine can provide a substantial improvement. So what does that routine consist of?

  • Wash with gentle soaps. Cheap, basic soaps are hard on your skin; stick to gel-based, moisturizing alternatives.
  • Stay hydrated. Your level of hydration will affect the quality and appearance of your skin; make sure to drink plenty of water.
  • Apply moisturizer. Use moisturizer, preferably with some combination of vitamins, peptides, and other ingredients meant to improve your skin health.
  • Use sunscreen. UV radiation from the sun can devastate your skin otherwise.
  • Rely on face masks (occasionally). Use charcoal-based face masks periodically to cleanse your pores.

If you’re in search of a better moisturizer, take a look at our Day Moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid. It’s packed with the vitamins, herbs, and peptides necessary to keep your skin in youthful, healthy condition.